Ship Services

Executive Marine Management (EMM) is a full ship service company that provides multiple services to ships that make Freeport, Bahamas their next Port of Call.

EMM operates 3 launch vessels and a 117 ft ship supply vessel. Our launches, supply boats, captains and personnel are at your service 24 hours a day 365 days a year.

EMM is a diverse and multifaceted company that can takes care of most requests in a safe, professional and efficient manner.


Our services include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Crew changes

  2. Lubricant transportation and delivery

  3. Garbage removal

  4. Fresh water delivery (up to 120 tons at a time)

  5. Re-supplying and re- stocking of consumables

  6. Ship agent transportation

  7. Customs and immigration offshore transportation

  8. Underwater survey and inspection

  9. Ship cargo inspector transportation

  10. Ship bottom cleaning and prop and shaft polishing

EMM managers can make prompt decisions as to special requests by ships that can usually be handled and resolved quickly and efficiently.

EMM knows that time is money in this industry and tries to work out the logistics of any operation, be it big or small to minimize the time it takes to accomplish the job.

"On Time All the Time"

Call Us 1-242-727-1558 Call Us